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Chado Relay

Urasenke Tankokai Associations in North America

Urasenke Tankokai associations throughout North America will take part in this event by posting on the Chado Relay Facebook page, as well as Instagram #urasenketea with photos and captions that will spread Daisosho-sama’s message of “Peacefulness through a Bowl of Tea.”

Each Association will also create a post sharing some background on their Association, annual activities (pre-COVID) or significant events.

Earlier in the year, the Urasenke Tankokai Quebec Association started an online relay for its members which can serve as reference.

The Chado Relay will start on September 2, 2020, which marks the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II and will continue through the end of the year. Like the Olympic Torch Relay, it will stop in each city for two to three days before being passed to the next association.

The purpose of the relay is to create stronger ties between members and associations, to show colleagues around the world how we are continuing our tea practice, and to introduce broader audiences to the spirit of “harmony, respect, purity and tranquility.”

Opening Messages

Hounsai Daisosho

Zabosai Oiemoto

Scheduled Route

Disclaimer: This is a travel destination map and does not represent actual locations of Associations.

On Social Media

Cover for Urasenke World Chado Relay / 裏千家世界茶道リレー
Urasenke World Chado Relay / 裏千家世界茶道リレー

Urasenke World Chado Relay / 裏千家世界茶道リレー

[GOAL] The inspiration came from Daisosho Sama’s teaching: “Peacefulness through a bowl of tea” and from Oiemoto Sama’s aim to build strong shachus.

「八朔」旧暦八月朔日には、稲の初穂を宮中へ献上する田実の節(たのみのせち)があり、今では平素お世話になっている方のもとに挨拶回りをするしきたりとなっています。本日京都は晴天で現在の気温は37℃、午前中には大変暑い中、同門の皆様が大勢お見えになりました。まだまだ暑い日が続いておりますが、今後もどうぞよろしくお頼み申します。 ... See MoreSee Less
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